CANMORE® Hybrid PIPE BAG Features
Longer zip fitted on the angle
Neck cut back to relieve pressure on pipers arm
Highly Breathable
Made from GORE-TEX® fabric sold exclusively to Canmore®
How to install the canmore pipe bag (moisture tube no longer available)
Who's playing the CANMORE® bag?

Stuart Liddell
Pipe Major of the 2019 Grade 1 World Champions Inveraray & District and top soloist.
Cameron Drummond
Piper with 2019 Grade 1 World Champions Inveraray & District and top soloist.
Fred Morrison
Collaborative and Solo Artist and creator of his own signature Fred Morrison Reelpipes.
Colin MacLellan
Previous Pipe Major of the Lothian and Borders Police and top soloist.
Dougie Murray
Pipe Major of the Grade 1 Police Scotland Fife and top soloist.
Angus MacColl
Piper with the Grade 1 Spirit of Scotland and top soloist.
Alasdair Henderson
Pipe Sergeant of the 2019 Grade 1 World Champions Inveraray & District and top soloist.
Stuart Easton
Pipe Sergeant with the Grade 1 Manawatu Scottish, New Zealand and top soloist.